First Things First…

Create a solid foundation.

Laying the ground work has historically not been my strong suit. I’m excellent at seeing the potential, the possibility, the big picture, and the upside in even the most troubling situations but it’s my inclination to jump in and go full speed ahead before a plan or practical set of procedures has been put in place.

Ironically, I don’t have this problem when it comes to movement. I understand that it’s important to begin with the basics and set the body up for success in a safe, effective, and empowering way.

When I’m learning a new physical skill I try to break the movement down into pieces and assess what other movements will prepare me for the one I am attempting to learn. I ask myself:

What do I already know that could help me here? 

This question works just as well off of the mat or out of the studio. Long ago I began to ask myself this question in regards to anything that I was struggling with, big or small.

When I began mentoring others I realized how important it was to set up a solid foundation for the work that we do together, so in the early sessions we work together to establish a foundation based on the strengths of the student and my strengths, knowledge base, and resources.

From there growth happens solidly and organically.

When we come up against a problem that needs solving or a project that needs creating or a self growth or personal development issue that needs tending to we can ask ourselves: What do I already know that could help me here? 

Chances are we have a wealth of knowledge that we can tap into and use to set up a solid foundation for ourselves. 

For example, I can use the tools that helped me shift my relationship with food to help me shift my relationship with finances.

You could use the knowledge you have around listening to your body when it comes to exercise to learn to listen to your body when it comes to relationships, career choices, or whether to go out or stay in. What is your gut telling you? 

Figure out what you are an expert in, in your life, and see where else you can apply that expertise.

Sometimes, we may find that we have very consistent gaps in our knowledge or patterns of thought, word, or action that lead to consistent negative results. 

When we notice this it is wise to dive into educating ourselves or to ask for help.

Find people who are genius level in the areas that you are weak and surround yourself with them. Be of service and offer your genius level expertise to others who are weak in the areas that you are strong. 

As has been said, a rising tide lifts all ships.

Now, I want to hear from you. 

What are you struggling with now and what strength or knowledge do you have already that you could apply to this current struggle?

If you are coming up empty, what do you need to learn or who do you need to connect with for help? 

Feel free to leave your answers in a comment below or email me at

I’d love to get a good conversation going here on the blog, perhaps it could begin with you.

Also, if you enjoyed this essay, I’d be so grateful if you could share it with your friends. Click on the icons to the left to do so.

As always, much love.



  1. My 24 year relationship just ended. I have a lot of spiritual/metaphysical tools at my feet to get through this. I just need to connect with more people in real life to get my needs fully met.

    I am breathing life back into my blog and online community. I want it to pay my bills. I will turn to a select few of my online marketing mentors, mainly just one right now, to breathe fire into this dream of mine.

    1. Author

      Sending you love Lisa. I have found connecting with inspiring and supportive people in person and online to be hugely helpful in so many ways. I hope that you are taking care of you in the best possible ways available to you right now.

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