Lessons From Nine Days Off

I learned a lot last week.

A crazy flu virus took my entire family out for the majority of nine days. It was awful.

It was also beautiful in that we got to spend a ton of time together, even if that time was primarily spent watching 3 year old approved movies and passing around a box of tissues.

I also had the chance to get really honest about how I’ve been taking care of myself and take stock of lessons learned.

I have been slacking in a few key areas and doing the bare minimum in others.

I don’t think that my lack of green juice smoothies caused me to get the flu, but it could have made me more vulnerable.

It’s interesting how easily our health practices tend to slide by the way side and how hard it is to pick them back up again. Even those of us that have a wealth of wellness knowledge get lazy.

Why do we tend to make self care more difficult that it really needs to be? 

I think a big part of the answer comes down to prioritizing and planning.

One of my mentors, Marie Forleo, says “If it isn’t scheduled, it isn’t real.” I am learning to agree.

I am most successful at taking care of myself when I have a plan in place. 

So this month I am trying something new. I am making a check list of self care practices that I enjoy and penciling in time for them in my planner.

If we make it easy, then it won’t be hard. 

Here is what I am going to do each day:

  • Move my body for exercise for 30 minutes.
  • Dry skin brush in the morning.
  • Meditate.
  • Neti pot.
  • Drink my “tea” of apple cider vinegar, lemon, cayenne, tummeric, and maple syrup.
  • Take hourly breaks from writing in which I will go outside for a few minutes.
  • Call one friend just to say hello.
  • Enjoy snuggles with my guys.
  • Say my nightly “Thank you” prayers.

Will you join me in making taking care of yourself a priority? 

Click reply and tell me what’s on your list or tag me in your photos on Instagramand Facebook. I’d love to cheer you on in your wellness journey.

Also, if meditating daily is on your list and you’ve struggled to make the commitment in the past, check out my free course on establishing a daily meditation practice here.

Much love,


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