Do You Believe Signs?

I’ve been on the fence about signs.

I’ve heard many teachers talk about the perfect book falling off the shelf at the perfect time, cardinals appearing out of season as an answer to a deep question, and receiving a dollar as change only to notice later that a relevant message had been written on the bill.

I’ve been interested in the stories, but have continued to think that such thinking was a bit fantastical, seeing what wants to be seen, more than a conversation with the Universe or the Divine in someway.

Still, I look for signs and ask for them to be delivered. 

As my ability to listen to my intuition has increased my doubt in the presence of signs has lessened. I’ve felt more tapped in and more open.

Last night I was contemplating a huge choice. A choice that could create a big shift in the plan that I’ve had for my work, my life, and the life of my family.

My partner is 100% on board and supportive of whatever I choose. I have many friends that are excited to support me. My teachers and mentors have already offered amazing support and encouragement. Both of my options are wonderful. Different, but wonderful. One is much more difficult than the other.

The only hiccup in my faith in my choice is me. 

I’ve been struggling to understand which choice is going “all in” and which choice is playing small. Where is the line between smart, safe, overly cautious and selling myself short?

Thinking was getting me nowhere but confused, so I decided to do my research, get clear on my desire, let go of my plan for a moment, and let go of doubt and lean into faith as I asked for a clear sign to come my way. 

This morning a book that I’d lent to a mentoring student was unexpectedly returned. I’d forgotten that she had it. Our work together concluded over a year ago and I haven’t needed to reference the book, so I wasn’t missing it.

When I turned the book over I laughed out loud as the sign was so perfectly clear and present.

Ask, believe that you’ll get an answer, and you will – if you keep your eyes, heart, mind, and sense of humor open. 

I can’t share what the book said just yet, and I can’t share the choice it confirmed, but I will soon. Stay tuned. *If you aren’t already on the VIP list sign up below to be the first to know what’s up with this secret and other special news, gifts, and inspiration. 

Now, I want to hear from you. 

Do you ask for and receive signs? What was the best, most funny, or most random one yet?

Visit the blog and leave a comment below telling your sign story. 

I’d love to get a beautiful conversation going on the blog. Perhaps it can start with you.

As always, if you have a friend who would love this blog please share.

It means the world to me.

Much love,


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  1. I get heart signs (rocks, leafs, clouds,) handed to me a lot. Thy usually come at the perfect time, too. I feel like they’ll usually to let me know I’m on the right path. For example, I pray in the woods when I’m walking in nature and if in debating on something, I’ll see the heart right at the point when I think I’ve decided & then I know I’m in alignment.

  2. Yes! I always receive signs! The universe and the divine speak to us through signs .. at least this is my belief and has been my experience 🙂 Yesterday, I received a really powerful sign to SLOOOOOW down, stop and pause, be grateful and celebrate — it came in the form of dolphins! Love you Katie! Thank you for starting this beautiful conversation! <3

    1. Yes! I think that the dolphins in Charleston are magical. They always seem to show up at exactly the right time. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. I am a huge believer in signs. I’ve received quarters in random places, as well as seen cardinals in times that I needed most, but this by far is the most amazing one yet. It’s actually way too exciting to keep to myself. It’s a strong confirmation even for those who don’t believe in signs. It’s not far fetched!

    It’s been 2 months since my partner and I split, but I guess I’m at a point where I’m questioning if I should completely let go. I always felt we’d get back together, but also didn’t want to seem pathetic. We just always believed we had a special connection. People always said our love was undeniable, and our love would just brighten up a room. However, after 7 years, our age difference and circumstances allowed us to ‘set each other free’.

    Fast forward… This past weekend, I asked the universe (my grandmother) if we will find our way back to each other. Within three minutes her friend texted me a picture of an (ugly) stone that had my last name (definitely not a common one) written on it in marker. I initially thought he wrote it. He went on to tell me this rock was just sitting on a window sill as he ordered ice cream at a vacation spot. As I zoomed in, my ex’s first name was written just above mine in pink. Now, her name is a bit more common, but not spelled so commonly. Strangely, the friend did not see her name on the rock. Naturally, I felt crazy! So he asked his coworker if he saw anything in pink? Immediately he said my ex’s name without knowing anything. (Side note: her friend later told me that IF he DID see her name, he wouldn’t have ever sent the pic to me.) So it’s strange he can’t see it.)

    It gets better!

    So now, after he realizes how strange it is, he says, “I have to tell you something even more weird…” He tells me that as he took the picture of the rock, my ex and I texted him one second apart.

    Normally I keep ‘signs’ to myself, simply to not appear crazy, but no one can argue this one bit. (Another side note: I showed her mother, and she pointed out the stone is in the shape of a human heart, which it is.)

  4. Violet, that is an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing, reading your comment made me smile this morning. I am sending tons of love your way and hope that your relationships evolves in a beautiful way that lights both of you up. Love, love, love.

  5. Yes, I am a firm believer in signs. A most recent example for me was that I was faced with a difficult decision for which I could not make up my mind, then I received a phone call, which was ultimately a wrong number, but the call was that my family member Lois was not ready to be picked up, I do not know anyone named Lois, other than the Lois who was involved in this decision I had to make. For me this was a sign, and I knew which direction I needed to go, I had to follow “LOIS” Though there have been many others

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