Now Is Not The Time To Stay Small Or Shut Up.

The world needs you and now is not the time to stay small or shut up.


It’s the time to look at what habits and hang ups are holding you back and get to work on breaking through the blocks.


It won’t necessarily be easy, but it isn’t as hard as staying stuck and silent – at least in the long term.


What in your life is not working?


What is keeping you distracted from showing up in the world in a way that you are proud of and excited about?


How can you take action to create a shift?


Getting clear on what is really holding you back and how you need to take action is essential.


Sometimes the problem that we see isn’t the real problem.


My struggle with food and body image had pretty much nothing to do with food or my body and pretty much everything to do with me not feeling empowered and secure in using my voice or expressing my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.


Sometimes it’s obvious what the “real” problem is and sometimes it’s not so obvious.


I continue to come up short when trying to connect with the deeper emotional root of my ongoing struggle with clutter and disorganization in my home.


There may not really be a deep emotional root and/or it may not be that important to identify it before fixing the problem.


Perhaps sometimes action trumps understanding and understanding follows action.


It could simply be that the clutter, and the anxiety that it produces, has become a habit and that I need to either get help making big changes or create a realistic action plan to create new habits and then follow through with diligence. Likely, I’ll need to do both.


I’m committing to doing so. I want my home to feel like a sanctuary. I want to enjoy being there and I want my man and our son to feel content, connected, and inspired in our space.


I used to love decorating my apartments and tiny houses in my unique artistic way and I want to do so in our current home. I want our house to feel like our home. I want to have sisterhood gatherings and dinner parties. I want my son to have play dates and sleep overs. I want my man and his friends to have casual billards and music evenings. I want to fill our home with good vibes, good light, great art, and awesome people.


Those are a few of the elements of my “why.”


The Why is important.


Finding your why and stating it in a positive way will be helpful in your efforts to make the changes. Your Why is your fuel.


Notice that in my why I didn’t write “I don’t want a mountain of laundry, a Lego and Matchbox covered floor, and a pool table that functions as a “catch all” table instead of a game and potential social activity.


I wrote what I do want and why.


Now, I want to hear from you.


What change are you making and why?


Leave a comment below and let me know.


I love reading your comments and offering tools, resources, and insights. I know that we can get a great conversation happening under the blog. Perhaps it can start with you.


Much love,




  1. Wow! This spoke to me! I’m making some changes with how I spend my time and what career path I’m going to move forward on. Thank you for sharing!

  2. This is such a great post. I’ve been struggling with finding my voice the last few weeks (new job, big move, etc.) and this was the perfect reminder. Keep up the great work!

    1. Author

      I am so glad it resonated with you Cara. A new job and a big move is a lot, but what an awesome chance to really establish the habit of using your voice. Your new co-workers, friends, and community will not have known you not to use your voice. You get to teach them that your voice is powerful, beautiful and important. Thank you for reading and for sharing your comment. Much love!

    1. Author

      I am so glad that you are working on voicing your own opinion Heidi! The more you do so the easier it will become. I find it helpful to remember that by using my voice I create a ripple effect that helps others to find and use theirs. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment. Much love.

  3. I needed this. Beautifully written. I’ve been working on changing my overall outlook – stop being negative and try to find the good in each moment. Thanks for sharing your words!

    1. Author

      Thank you! I am so glad that it resonated with you. PS It’s a new moon this evening which is a perfect time for prioritizing and setting intentions.

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