Shifting Outside, Shifting Inside

This weekend I experienced a huge shift.

For Brian’s Birthday I gifted him a Total Weekend Transformation with Valerie Herald. It was one of the best investments that I have ever made.

Saturday morning Valerie arrived at our house and kicked us into high gear. We cleared out a massive amount of clutter, cleaned closets, moved furniture, got rid of everything in the house that was energetically weighing us down, made a huge pile of furniture for scavengers to pick up near the curb, contacted special people to gift special (but no longer used by us) items too, and made three trips to the donation drive through at the nearest thrift store.

When she left four hours later we had made more progress on creating a home that feels like US and is enjoyable to be in than we had made in the past four years.

On Sunday Brian and I each met with her for one-on-one coaching sessions. She did as much magic on our internal landscapes and she had helped us do in the living spaces of our house.

I will be be writing more extensively about those shifts, but I wanted to share an important nugget of wisdom with you today.

Support is everywhere and it is impossible to live this life alone. 

Truly, we cannot do it alone.

I struggled with asking for help for a long time. I would let doing so become a huge “thing” for me and wrap it up in guilt and shame and let it chip away at my self worth. For years I have been working on this tendency and have made a massive amount of progress, which freed up a ton of space in my head and heart and has allowed life to come much more ease-full and enjoyable.

In a guided meditation with Valerie she suggested that I think about the trees and the support they give me providing clean air, paper, bookshelves, my Aunt and Uncles log cabin (one of my favorite places on Earth) and entertainment for my tree climbing man and son.

Then I thought about the food from the Earth that I eat and water that I drink and swim in. I thought about all of the ways that nature supports my being alive and living the lifestyle that I do.  *Stay with me here…I promise not get too woo woo…that drives me nuts also. 

No matter how hard we try to will ourselves through life we are going to have lean on the support of the Earth. On a biological level we need the Earth to survive. We need water. We need other people to carry on the Human species. We need connection. We cannot do it alone, not really.

We learn in the story of Krishna and Arjuna that eventually surrendering the ego into Faith is the key to liberation. On some level we have to give up trying to have the dominant hand in everything in our lives and acknowledge that something greater than us is working for us too. We do our part and then we let go.

Believing that “the Universe is working with me and for me” has always been tricky for me. In the back of my mind I’ve always felt like “well, that may be true, but I better make my goal happen myself just in case.” Which is essentially giving the middle finger to faith and making life harder than it needs to be.

Thinking about it on a more scientific level helps. It makes more sense to me. If energy is energy – and we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed – and that our thoughts are energy – and our prayers our thoughts – then surely those prayers and thoughts that we send out “into the Universe” must turn into something.

It’s a great mystery, but an exciting one. The more I let go and allow support to show up the more it does.

I would love to hear about your experience in trusting in something larger than yourself and/or shifting your exterior world to facilitate a shift in your inner world. Leave a comment below.

Also, if you are in Charleston, SC check out Valerie and her offerings here.

Much love,

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