The Struggle Is Real

Staying present is hard.

It’s easy to drift out of our bodies and into our heads, and our minds tend to wander back and forth between the past and the future.

Meditation helps. But, what about those times when it feels like meditation is impossible because our minds are whirling and we can’t stop thinking?

Meditation isn’t about stopping our thoughts.

It is about keeping our focus on the point.

The the thoughts will continue, but our attachment and identification with them doesn’t have to. 

This past weekend my teacher, Noah Levine, shared a mantra that I’ve been enjoying working with on my meditation cushion, on my mat, and in my daily life.

The mantra is simple: “Right now, it’s like this.” 

Try it out. Set a timer for 5 minutes.

Sit and focus on your breath. As you breathe in silently repeat “breathing in .” As you breathe out silently repeat “breathing out.”

When you notice that you are straying from the focus on the breath silently repeat “right now, it’s like this” and ask yourself what “this” is.

This is thinking. This is worrying. This is planning. This is discomfort in my hips. This is pain in my back. This is anger. This is excitement. This is remembering.

Don’t wander off into unpacking what “this” is or worry about the why. Just notice, succinctly name it, and go back to focusing on the breath.

Breathing in. Breathing out.

When the timer goes off go about your day.

I’ve found it helpful to take the mantra with me into my day. 

As often as I remember I bringing myself back into the present moment by silently repeating the mantra and asking myself what “this” is.

The mantra is helpful in that it points out that right now it’s like this.

It won’t be like this in a few moments, or tomorrow or next year or a decade from now.

The current feelings of stress or anxiety about money, or food, or love won’t be forever. The frustration won’t be forever. The happy moments won’t be forever. Children will grow up. Friendships will change. Relationships with change. You will change.

Nothing lasts forever, but right now, it’s like this. 

Be present.

I hope this meditation serves you well. If you have a friend who would enjoy it, please share.

As always, I love hearing from you. I’d love to hear via the comments below, Facebook, or Instagram how you are doing and how this practice is working for you.

Much love,



    1. Author

      You are so welcome Darcy. Let me know how it goes!

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